Sunday 13 August 2017

More hats

These hats will find their new home on the Mitten tree come fall. These hats were made with the left over yarn from the workman socks I made for myself. Those balls of yarn were big. Being that only about 4 rows of red where used in each sock I was able to get three red, than two cream, a grey one and that a stripe hat with the grey and cream-its the one without the pom-pom and I like the way the colour combo works.


  1. Those hats will be a delight to the recipients. Very nice work.

  2. These hats are so nice looking and so warm looking. They will be such a blessing to those who receive them!

  3. Mrs Tea and DJ Thankyou. It was a joy to make them knowing a child in need will have a hat to keep them warm this winter.
