Saturday, 1 March 2025

Jan/Feb 25



                                                                Paper crafting projects:

                                                One of the sixty cards done for our church lady dinner.

                                                                   DH valentine card.

                                                         Couple of with sympathy cards 

                                                     February cards for the church ladies

                                      Pretty up the cover and inside pg of a dollar store notebook.

                                                  Sewing projects for past couple months.

                                                  Pair of hot pads for my kitchen using the backing from

                                                 other projects as the right side for this project

                                  Sewing mat for under my sewing machine with a few pockets 

                   Scissors holder, I-cord pouch with the I-cord sitting on it, and a pocket tissue holder
                            The I-cord is for making a I-cord finish to edges of shawls/knitted items etc.

                                                    My knitting projects—2 pairs of socks for me

                            February Rudy day(week) project. Tags, mug sweaters and mug mats. 

                                       All part of the hot chocolate kit for the grandchildren                                        

                                          January Rudy day project. A pair of Christmas hotpads       

                                                            which is part of a Christmas gift.                                     

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