Wednesday, 26 February 2020

Scrap of fabric projects

I had some fabric left over from other projects and I put them to use.
Below is a umbra cover. I found the cover that came with my umbra does not fit into it. So I decided to make one after seeing a umbra holder at the local book store. It was hard cover, half circle shape and closed with a zipper. However I wanted something smaller and easier to carry when using the umbra. So I got thinking about the plastic bags that they had available in Amsterdam at their museums to put umbras in. Since we came home with one I used it for the length/width to make one. I wanted a pretty one so I pulled the flower fabric to use for the outside and inside 2 inch top pieceI used a piece of shower curtain for the rest of the inside. I made a curb bottom to make it easier to empty the water out.

Below is a couple draw strings bags-middle and bottom. Top one is a bag with velco that I made to hold a battery charger and its cable or when traveling phone cable. Got tired of the cable getting separated in my purse as we like to take it with us when going on day trips as well as other get aways.

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